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Press and hold on one of these tools to see the menu of options. Info panel: The Info panel displays information about any item you select in the Project panel or any clip or transition you select in a sequence. History panel: This panel tracks the steps you take and lets you easily undo a series of changes. When you select a previous step, all steps that followed it are also undone.

Most panels display their name at the top. When a panel is displayed, the name is underlined, and the panel is outlined in blue. Most panels have a menu next to the name with options particular to that panel. Using the Learning workspace Although other workspaces are intended to facilitate a particular creative activity, the Learning workspace is an exception. This workspace includes the Learn panel, which offers tutorials to help you build familiarity with the Premiere Pro interface and learn important skills.

You will find the tutorials complement the exercises in this book well, and you may find it helpful to practice first with this book and then explore the relevant tutorials to reinforce the lessons you have learned. Customizing a workspace In addition to choosing between the default workspaces, you can adjust the position and location of panels to create a workspace that works best for you.

You can create multiple workspaces for different tasks. As you change the size of a panel or panel group, other panels change size to compensate. Every panel within a panel group is accessible by clicking its name. All panels are movable—you can drag a panel from one group to another. You can drag a panel out of a group to become a separate floating panel. You can double-click the name of any panel to toggle it between full screen and its original size.

In the Project panel, double-click the icon for the clip AO. Be careful to double-click the icon and not the name, as clicking the name selects the text, making it ready for renaming.

Position your pointer on the vertical divider between the Source Monitor and the Program Monitor. Drag left and right to change the sizes of those panels. You can choose to have different sizes for your video displays, which is useful at different stages of post-production. Now place the pointer on the horizontal divider between the Program Monitor and the Timeline panel. Drag up and down to change the sizes of these panels.

Click the name of the Media Browser panel at its top , and drag it to the middle of the Source Monitor until a blue rectangle appears the drop zone. Release the Media Browser panel to dock it in that panel group. The drop zone is displayed as a center highlight. Drag the Effects panel which is grouped with the Project panel by default by its name to a point just inside the right edge of its current panel group until a blue trapezoid-shaped area the drop zone is highlighted.

Release the Effects panel; it is now alone in its own panel group. When you drag a panel by its name, a drop zone is displayed. If the drop zone is a trapezoid, it will create a new panel group. You can also pull panels into their own floating windows.

Note You may need to resize a panel to see all of its controls. Drop the Source Monitor anywhere, creating a floating panel. You can resize the panel by dragging a corner or a side. As you gain experience, you might want to create and save the layout of your panels as a customized workspace. Type a name, and click OK. Now, to return to a recognizable starting point, choose the preset Editing workspace, and reset it. Premiere Pro has several types of settings. For example, panel menus , which are accessible by clicking the menu button next to a panel name, have options that relate to each panel, while individual clips in a sequence have settings you can access by rightclicking them.

The panel name, displayed at the top of each panel, is often referred to as the panel tab. This is the area of a panel you use to move the panel, almost like a handle you can grab the panel by.

There are also application-wide user preferences, which are grouped into a single dialog box for easy access. Preferences will be covered in depth as they relate to the individual lessons in this book. Drag the Brightness slider to the right to suit your preference. The default brightness is a dark gray to help you see colors correctly human perception of color is influenced by surrounding colors. There are additional options for controlling the brightness of interface highlights.

Experiment with the Interactive Controls and Focus Indicators brightness sliders. The difference in the onscreen sample is subtle, but adjusting these sliders can make quite a big difference to your editing experience.

Set all three settings to Default by clicking the Default buttons when you have finished. Switch to the Auto Save preferences by clicking Auto Save on the left.

Imagine if you had worked for hours and then there was a power outage. With these options, you can decide how often you would like Premiere Pro to save an automated backup of your project file and how many versions you would like to keep in total. Auto Save backups have the date and time they were created added to the filename.

Note Premiere Pro allows you to open multiple projects at the same time. This option creates an additional backup of your project file in your Creative Cloud Files folder. If you suffer a total system failure while working, you can log in to any Premiere Pro editing system with your Adobe ID to access the backup project file and quickly carry on working.

If you have a sudden system failure like a power outage , this is the file you will most likely want to open to continue working. Click Cancel to close the Preferences dialog box without applying any changes. These are usually faster and easier than clicking—once you know them.

Several keyboard shortcuts are shared universally by nonlinear editing systems. The spacebar, for example, starts and stops playback—this even works on some websites. Some standard keyboard shortcuts come from celluloid film-editing traditions.

The I and O keys, for example, are used to set In and Out points for footage and sequences: These special marks indicate the start and end of a desired section and were originally drawn on celluloid directly.

Many shortcuts are available, but not all are assigned a key by default. This allows flexibility when setting up your editing system. It can be a little daunting to see the number of keyboard shortcuts available, but by the end of this book you will recognize most of the options displayed here.

Some keyboard shortcuts are specific to individual panels. Open the Commands menu at the top of the dialog box, and choose the name of a panel to create or edit shortcuts for that panel. Specialized keyboards are available with shortcuts printed on them and color-coded keys. These make it easier to remember commonly used shortcuts. The keyboard shortcut display updates to show the results of combining the modifier key with the character keys.

Notice there are many keys without shortcuts assigned when you use a modifier key. These are available for you to assign your own shortcuts. You can set keyboard shortcuts with any combination of modifier keys.

If you press a character key, or character and modifier key combination, that particular shortcut information is displayed. To change a keyboard shortcut do one of the following: 1. Having found an option you would like to assign to a key, drag it from the list onto the key you would like to use in the upper part of the dialog box.

To remove a shortcut, click the key, and choose Clear at the bottom right. For now, click Cancel. Close the project file and save any changes. Moving, backing up, and syncing user settings User preferences include a number of important options. For example, you might prefer the interface to be brighter than the default. Premiere Pro includes the option to share your user preferences between multiple computers: When installing Premiere Pro, you will enter your Adobe ID to confirm your software license.

You can use the same ID to store your user preferences in Creative Cloud, allowing you to synchronize and update them from any installation of Premiere Pro. You can sync your preferences while on the Home screen by choosing Sync Settings. If a dialog box appears asking if you would like to save changes you have made, click Yes.

Why is Premiere Pro considered a nonlinear editor? Describe the basic video-editing workflow. What is the Media Browser used for? Can you save a customized workspace? What is the purpose of the Source Monitor and the Program Monitor? How can you drag a panel to its own floating panel? Premiere Pro lets you place video clips, audio clips, and graphics anywhere in a sequence; rearrange items already in a sequence; add transitions; apply effects; and do any number of other video-editing steps in any order that suits you.

Transfer media to your computer; create a sequence by combining video, audio, and still-image clips in the Timeline panel; add effects and transitions; add text and graphics; mix your audio; and export the finished product as a video file.

The Media Browser allows you to browse and import media files without having to open an external file browser. You can view and select part of your original footage in the Source Monitor and use the Program Monitor to view the contents of the current sequence displayed in the Timeline panel. Choose video rendering and playback settings. Choose video and audio display settings. Create scratch disks. Use sequence presets. Customize sequence settings. You will not need any of the downloadable lesson files.

Luckily, Adobe Premiere Pro gives you easy shortcuts. To help you plan and manage your projects, this lesson contains information about formats and video technology. You may decide to revisit this lesson later, as your familiarity with Premiere Pro and nonlinear video editing develops. A Premiere Pro project file stores links to all the video, graphic, and sound files you have imported.

Each item is displayed in the Project panel as a clip. The name clip originally described a section of celluloid film lengths of film were literally clipped to separate them from a roll , but these days the term refers to any item in the project, regardless of the type of media.

You could have an audio clip or an image sequence clip, for example. Clips displayed in the Project panel appear to be media files, but they are actually only links to those files. You can delete one without affecting the other more on this later. When working on a project, you will create at least one sequence—that is, a series of clips that play, one after another, sometimes overlapping, with special effects, titles, and sound, to form your completed creative work.

The beauty of nonlinear editing with Premiere Pro is that you can change your mind about almost anything, at any time. Premiere Pro project files have the file extension. Starting a new project is straightforward. You create a new project file, import media, choose a sequence preset, and start editing. To speed things up, you can use a sequence preset to choose the settings and then make adjustments if necessary. You need to know the kind of video and audio your camera records because your sequence settings will usually be based on your source footage to minimize conversion during playback.

In fact, most Premiere Pro sequence presets are named after cameras to make it easier to choose the correct option. Launch Premiere Pro. You should see Lesson Notice that you can thin out the list of recent project files by typing some text into the Filter text box, where it says Filter Recent Files—only project files whose filenames contain the text will be displayed.

There are a couple of other items in this window: 1. Magnifying glass button: Click the magnifying glass at the top right of the Home screen to open a multipurpose Search screen. You must be connected to the Internet to access the tutorials.

User button: Next to the magnifying glass is a thumbnail of your Adobe ID profile picture. If you have just signed up, this may be a generic thumbnail. Click the button to manage your Creative Cloud account online. Click New Project to open the New Project dialog box.

Below the new project name and file location fields, this dialog box has three tabs: General, Scratch Disks, and Ingest Settings. Click in the Name box, and name your new project First Project. Note When choosing a location for your project file, you may want to choose a recently used location from the Location menu. Click Browse, and browse to the Lessons folder. Click Choose to establish this new folder as the location for the new project.

Click OK to create your new project. Just like media files, sequences have settings that specify such things as the frame rate and image size.

This is called conforming. Each sequence in your project can have different settings. Matching the settings reduces the work your system must do to play your clips, improving real-time performance, and maximizes quality. If the first clip you add to a sequence does not match the settings of your sequence, Premiere Pro checks if you would like to change the sequence settings automatically to fit.

Premiere Pro can work natively with a wide range of video and audio formats and codecs and will often play mismatched formats smoothly.

However, when Premiere Pro has to adjust video for playback because of mismatched sequence settings, your editing system must work harder to play the video, and this will impact real-time performance you might see more dropped frames.

Note The Preset Description area of the Sequence Presets tab often describes the kind of camera used to capture media in this format. The essential factors are always the same: the number of frames per second, the frame size the number of pixels in the picture horizontally and vertically , and the audio format. If you were to turn your sequence into a media file without applying a conversion, then the frame rate, audio format, frame size, and so on, would all match the settings you chose when creating the sequence.

Premiere Pro can create a sequence based on your clip. Use this menu to create new items for your project, including sequences, captions, and color mattes full-screen color graphics useful for backgrounds. To automatically create a sequence that matches your media, drag any clip or multiple clips in the Project panel onto the New Item menu. A new sequence will be created with the same name as the first clip selected, and a matching frame size and frame rate.

You can also select one or more clips, right-click the selection, and choose New Sequence From Clip. Using this method, you can be confident your sequence settings will work with your media.

If the Timeline panel is empty, you can also drag a clip or multiple clips into it to create a sequence with matching settings. Choosing the correct preset If you do know the settings you need for a new sequence, you can configure the sequence settings exactly.

Click the New Item button at the lower-right corner of the Project panel now and choosef When you choose a preset, Premiere Pro applies settings for the new sequence that closely match a particular video and audio format. After choosing a preset, you can adjust these settings on the Settings tab if necessary. These settings are organized based on camera formats with specific settings inside a folder named after the recording format.

You can click the disclosure triangle to see specific formats in a group. These are typically designed around frame rates and frame sizes. Click the disclosure triangle next to the group Digital SLR. You can now see three subfolders, based on frame sizes.

Remember that video cameras can often shoot video using different frame sizes, as well as different frame rates and codecs. Click the disclosure triangle next to the p subgroup.

Choose the DSLR p30 preset by clicking its name. For this sequence, use the default settings. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the description displayed on the right. Click in the Sequence Name box, and name your sequence First Sequence. Click OK to create the sequence. You have made a new project and sequence with Premiere Pro.

Formats and codecs A format is a frame rate, frame size, audio sample rate, and so on. Codec is a shortening of the words coder and decoder. The media file is referred to as the wrapper, and the video and audio inside the file, stored using a codec, are sometimes referred to as the essence. Tip You created a new sequence using the File menu this time. There are often several ways to achieve the same goal in Premiere Pro.

Choose the DSLR p30 preset again by clicking its name. This lets you view the settings while reading about them. Click Settings at the top of the dialog box. Premiere Pro will automatically conform footage you add to your timeline so that it matches your sequence settings, giving you a standard frame rate and frame size, regardless of the original clip format.

This makes the sequences settings a critical part of your project configuration. Creating a sequence preset Although the standard presets usually work, you may sometimes need to create a custom preset. To do so, first choose a sequence preset that matches your media closely, and then make custom selections in the Settings and Tracks areas of the New Sequence dialog box.

Having adjusted the settings, you can save your custom preset for future use by clicking the Save Preset button near the bottom of the Settings area. When you save a preset, you can give your customized project settings preset a name in the Save Settings dialog box, add notes if you want, and click OK.

The preset will appear in a Custom folder with the other sequence presets. The new sequence is intended for online distribution only, so change this to 30 fps to accurately measure playback speed. Tip For now, leave the settings as they are, but review the way the preset configures the new sequence. Look at each setting from top to bottom to build familiarity with the choices required to configure a sequence. For complete flexibility, choose Custom from the Editing Mode menu.

For many effects, this means bit floating-point color, which allows for trillions of color combinations. This is the best possible quality for your effects but is more work for your computer, so you may get lower performance in real-time playback. Without this option, you might see minor artifacts or noise in the picture when making images smaller.

Both of these options can be turned off or on at any time, so you can edit without them to maximize performance and then turn them on when you output your finished work. Even with both options enabled you can use real-time effects and expect good performance from Premiere Pro. Tracks are horizontal areas in the Timeline panel that hold clips in a particular position in time.

There is more than one video track, and video clips placed on an upper track will appear in front of clips on a lower track. The Tracks tab in the New Sequence dialog box allows you to preselect the track types for the new sequence.

This is perhaps most useful when creating a sequence preset with names already assigned to audio tracks. All audio tracks are played at the same time to create a complete audio mix. To create a mix, simply position your audio clips on different tracks, lined up in time.

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