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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Windows 10 editions for education customers. Windows 10, version introduces windows 10 education usb editions designed for the unique needs of K institutions: Windows нажмите для продолжения Pro Education and Windows 10 Education. These editions provide education-specific default settings for the evolving landscape in K education IT environments.

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Windows 10 education usb


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Windows 10 Education Download (ISO) & Install for Students


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. This guide shows you how to deploy the Windows 10 operating system in a school environment.

This guide also describes how to use Microsoft Intune and Group Policy to manage devices. Finally, the guide discusses common, ongoing maintenance tasks that you’ll perform after initial deployment and the automated tools and built-in features of the operating system. Proper preparation is essential for a successful school deployment. To avoid common mistakes, your first step is to plan a typical school configuration. The second step in preparation is to learn how you’ll configure your school.

Just as a builder needs to have the right tools to build a house, you need the right set of tools to deploy your school. As part of preparing for your school deployment, you need to plan your configuration—the focus of this guide. Figure 1 illustrates a typical finished school configuration that you can use as a model the blueprint in our builder analogy for the finished state.

The devices can be a mixture of different make, model, and processor architecture 32 bit or 64 bit or be identical. There are many tools you could use to accomplish the task, but this guide focuses on using those tools that require the least infrastructure and technical knowledge. As a stand-alone tool, MDT performs Lite Touch Installation LTI deployments—deployments that require minimal infrastructure and allow you to control the level of automation.

MDT includes the Deployment Workbench—a console from which you can manage the deployment of Windows 10 and your apps. You configure the deployment process in the Deployment Workbench, including the management of operating systems, device drivers, apps, and migration of user settings on existing devices. LTI performs deployment from a deployment share —a network-shared folder on the device where you installed MDT.

You can perform over-the-network deployments from the deployment share or perform deployments from a local copy of the deployment share on a USB drive or DVD. You’ll learn more about MDT in the Prepare the admin device section. The focus of MDT is deployment, so you also need tools that help you manage your Windows 10 devices and apps.

You can use any combination of these tools based on your school requirements. The high-level process for deploying and configuring devices within individual classrooms and the school as a whole is as follows and illustrated in Figure Each of the steps illustrated in Figure 3 directly correspond to the remaining high-level sections in this guide.

In this section, you looked at the final configuration of your individual classrooms and the school as a whole upon completion of this guide. You also learned the high-level steps you need to perform to deploy the faculty and student devices in your school.

The first step in preparing the admin device is to install the Windows ADK. Next, install MDT. You can use MDT to deploy bit or bit versions of Windows Install the bit version of MDT to support deployment of bit and bit operating systems.

If you install the bit version of MDT, you can install only bit versions of Windows Ensure that you download and install the bit version of MDT so that you can install bit and bit versions of the operating system.

A deployment share is a shared folder that contains all the MDT deployment content. Office is one of the core components of your classroom environment. You create and manage student identities in Office , and students and teachers use the suite as their email, contacts, and calendar system.

As a first step in deploying your classroom, create an Office Education subscription, and then configure Office for the classroom. For more information about Office Education deployment, see School deployment of Office Education. Complete the following steps to select the appropriate Office Education license plan for your school:. Determine the number of faculty members and students who will use the classroom. Office Education licensing plans are available specifically for faculty and students.

You must assign faculty and students the correct licensing plan. Determine the faculty members and students who need to install Office applications on devices if any.

Faculty and students can use Office applications online standard plans or run them locally Microsoft Apps for enterprise plans. Table 1 lists the advantages and disadvantages of standard and Microsoft Apps for enterprise plans. The best user experience is to run Microsoft Apps for enterprise or use native Office apps on mobile devices.

If neither of these options is available, use Office applications online. In addition, all Office plans provide a better user experience by storing documents in OneDrive for Business, which is included in all Office plans. OneDrive for Business keeps content in sync among devices and helps ensure that users always have access to their documents on any device.

You can use Azure Rights Management to protect classroom information against unauthorized access. Azure Rights Management protects your information inside or outside the classroom through encryption, identity, and authorization policies, securing your files and email. Azure Rights Management is free to use with all Office Education license plans. For more information, see Azure Rights Management. You’ll use the Office Education license plan information you record in Table 2 in the Create user accounts in Office section of this guide.

There are no costs to you or to students for signing up for Office Education subscriptions. If you already have an Office Education subscription, you can use that subscription and continue to the next section, Add domains and subdomains. If you’ve already used your current sign-in account to create a new Office subscription, you’ll be prompted to sign in. If you want to create a new Office subscription, start an In-Private Window.

Your options:. On the Get started page, type your school email address in the Enter your school email address box, and then click Sign up. You’ll receive an email in your school email account. On the One last thing page, complete your user information, and then click Start.

The wizard creates your new Office Education subscription, and you’re automatically signed in as the administrative user you specified when you created the subscription. Now that you’ve created your new Office Education subscription, add the domains and subdomains that your institution uses. For example, if your institution has contoso. To make it easier for faculty and students to join your Office Education subscription or tenant , allow them to automatically sign up to your tenant automatic tenant join.

In automatic tenant join, when a faculty member or student signs up for Office , Office automatically adds joins the user to your Office tenant. By default, automatic tenant join is enabled in Office Education, except for certain areas in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. These countries require opt-in steps to add new users to existing Office tenants. Check your country requirements to determine the automatic tenant join default configuration.

Also, if you use Azure AD Connect, then automatic tenant join is disabled. For example, if a faculty member or student provides an email address of user contoso. You’ll always want faculty and students to join the Office tenant that you created.

Ensure that you perform the steps in the Create a new Office Education subscription and Add domains and subdomains sections before allowing other faculty and students to join Office You can’t merge multiple tenants, so any faculty or students who create their own tenant will need to abandon their existing tenant and join yours.

All new Office Education subscriptions have automatic tenant join enabled by default, but you can enable or disable automatic tenant join by using the Windows PowerShell commands in Table 3. For more information about how to run these commands, see How can I prevent students from joining my existing Office tenant. If your institution has AD DS, then disable automatic tenant join.

To reduce your administrative effort, automatically assign Office Education or Office Education Plus licenses to faculty and students when they sign up automatic licensing.

Automatic licensing also enables Office Education or Office Education Plus features that don’t require administrative approval. By default, automatic licensing is enabled in Office Education. If you want to use automatic licensing, then skip this section and go to the next section.

Although all new Office Education subscriptions have automatic licensing enabled by default, you can enable or disable it for your Office tenant by using the Windows PowerShell commands in Table 4.

When you create your Office subscription, you create an Office tenant that includes an Azure AD directory.

Azure AD is the centralized repository for all your student and faculty accounts in Office , Intune, and other Azure AD—integrated apps. Azure AD has different editions, which may include Office Education. Educational institutions can obtain Azure AD Basic edition licenses at no cost. You can assign Azure AD Premium licenses to the users who need these features. For example, you may want the users who have access to confidential student information to use MFA.

In this example, you could assign Azure AD Premium to only those users. You can sign up for Azure AD Premium, and then assign licenses to users. In this section, you sign up for Azure AD Premium. You’ll assign Azure AD Premium licenses to users later in the deployment process. You provision and initially configure Office Education as part of the initial configuration. Now that you’ve an Office subscription, you need to determine how you’ll create your Office user accounts.

Use the following methods to create Office user accounts:. In this method, you’ve an on-premises AD DS domain. In this method, you’ve no on-premises AD DS domain. As shown in Figure 5, you manually prepare a. In this section, you selected the method for creating user accounts in your Office subscription.

Ultimately, these user accounts are in Azure AD which is the identity management system for Office Users will be able to sign in to Office automatically by using their email account and the same password they use to sign in to AD DS.

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